Funeral service for MCANZIE CAJUSTE, 21 A Resident of Grove First Street, Nassau Bahamas, died at his residence on Tuesday 26th September 2023. Officiating will be Dr Henri Cher-Aime Senior Pastor, assisted by other ministers of gospel.
He is survived by his loving Mother and Father: Destina Cajuste, Saturne ÄŚajuste; Brothers and Sister: Carlos Cajuste, Denis Cajuste, Lubin Lubinson, Satilia Cajuste, and Nixon Cajuste. Girlfriend: Krishna Curtis; Aunt: Florida Fenlon; Grammy: Aceline Elmika; Cousins: Dina Fenelon, Ranaldo Mirtil, Patrick Mirtil; Nephew: Kaisen Arthur, Petron Mirtil; Cousins: Jackson, Jasmine, Rosekerline, Wadson Fenelon, Ronaldo, Patrick, Watson, Jacson, Techelet, Petitniace, Stanley, Fonso, Ketlair Cajuste, Kesnel Cajuste, Lukinson and Wesner. Merlande Petiniace Rosena Cajuste, Dianie, Junie, Wilanda, Lunose Line Gueva, Jasmine; Uncle: Lyne Cajuste, Kilmene Cajuste, Luberus, Jean Louis, Jean claude Fenelon, Joel Fenelon, Maxonne Fenelon, Yfocouer Fenelon, Joceline Fenelon; Aunts: Norzelia Desamour, Satrice Fenelon, Mad Jean Robert Peteniace, Florina Fenelon, Nicole Fenelon, Selia Fenelon. Other Relatives and Friends: Mrs Maurrissa and Family, Kitty chipman and family, Maurissa Telus and family, Anton and family, Calvary Baptist and family, Ashley and family. Neighbors and friends too numerous to mention. We the family appreciate you all. A Host of Other Relatives and Friends including but not limited.
Relatives and Friends may pay their last respects at Rest on Funeral Chapel located #166 Kenwood Street & Mt. Royal Avenue on Friday 3rd November 2023 from 10:00 am to 6:00pm.